Flight Path Dance Project
Flight Path Dance Project: who are they?
Flight Path is a tuition-free repertory training program for NYC dancers age 14-20. Beyond the studio, they engage in professional development workshops and experiences (business skills, injury prevention and management, financial literacy, meditation and wellness, professional interfacing, and performance outings), as well as an arts literacy initiative, providing a new book each month (artist biographies, science and anatomy texts, poetry, critical nonfiction, and more), all in an effort to prepare their dancers for the whole of a career in the performing arts.
Founded in 2018, Flight Path Dance Project established its first company of dancers in 2019. Just as they were creating a community, dance program, and the systems that would support them, the pandemic started. From their inception, they have needed to be agile and creative about their organization's sustainability. Now, we're working together to shift into a place of proactivity in their fundraising and visioning work. Together we will:
segment and assess giving data
create year-long fundraising plans that can adapt to changing realities
align communication with donor needs and culture