Calvary Episcopal Church

Calvary Episcopal: who are they?

Calvary Episcopal Church is an eclectic bunch of Christian people who don’t all think the same thoughts, or dress the same way, or vote for the same candidates, or even believe all the same things about the mystery of God and what it means to be human.

Listening + feasibility

Together, we helped Calvary discern how their space reflects their core values and what is needed for the congregation to live into their collective vision. ⁣We created and led a listening process where guided conversations fostered deeper relationships and capital improvement projects were identified. We then engaged in a feasibility study, concluded that there was indeed a campaign to conduct and are currently in the midst of implementation of soliciting gifts. 

An excellent sermon regarding feasibility study results in which The Rev. Scott Walters speaks beautifully about how and why we do our work.

Memphis, TN

How are we leaders in the neighborhood at the intersection of tradition and newness?

What we did

Arts, Religion, Culture (ARC)


Center for Earth Ethics